Emulator (Previewer) enhancements

Release date: 18 November 20

Release Summary

This release included a number of feature enhancements, user interface updates, operational improvements, as well as a couple of bug fixes.


Emulator Channel Parity (Generic Features)

When creating flows, the Chat Flow Previewer allows the flow-builder to preview and test their flows to ensure the flow functions as expected. The Previewer emulates to the flow-builder how the flow would be experienced by end-users.

We are in the process to ensure that all available features and functions are supported on the Previewer. With this release, we've completed Phase 1 which included "generic features", i.e., features that are common across most channels.

The new features that are now supported by the Previewer are:

  • Sending and receiving media

  • Sending and receiving voice notes

  • Viewing images

  • Playing videos

  • Downloading files

  • Sharing locations

  • Character count (applicable to USSD and SMS channels)


  • "Sending" is from the Chat Flow bot that was built to the end-user so that the flow-builder can visualize what and how the user will receive the file

  • "Receiving" is for the flow-builder to mimic the end-user by sending media/voice/location inbound (i.e., the Chat Flow bot that was built is receiving it)

  • Viewing images and playing videos are for the flow-builder to test that media is working correctly

Last updated