New Chat Desk Reports in Clickatell Portal

Release date: 9 January 2023

Available on Interact and Transact packages

This comprehensive reporting dashboard replaces the previous reports and provides our Chat Desk clients with detailed information about their product usage and performance from right within the Clickatell Portal.

The reports include a Definitions and Rules page and are downloadable. The reports also boast a super snazzy and modern look, aligning with the look and feel of the rest of the Portal, giving you a pleasing and consistent experience throughout.

The report gives our clients easy access to all the relevant information to make important strategic business decisions and is an important milestone in our journey to renew and improve all our reporting capabilities in the Clickatell Portal.

Some highlights of the Chat Desk report are discussed in more detail below.

Full Analytics

The landing page gives a high-level overview of Chat Desk performance by displaying key performance metrics that can be filtered by date and department.

These metrics include:

  • Number of live chats, tickets, and closed chats

  • Total number of active end-users, split into new users vs. returning users

  • Average first response time and handle time

  • Daily average number of chats

  • First chat resolution rate

  • Repeat chat rate

  • Transfer rate

Hovering over each of these blocks displays a definition of the metric. You can also use the Definitions and Rules button at the top for more details.

Scrolling down, you'll also find visual representations of these and other metrics. Some examples are shown below.

Agent Detail Report

The Agent Detail report provides an in-depth view of agent performance. The report can be filtered by date, time of day, and department.

It displays key performance metrics that include the following:

  • Number active agents

  • First chat resolution rate

  • Repeat chat rate

  • Average response time and handle time

  • Agent-to-chat ratio

  • Transfer rate

Hovering over each of these blocks displays a definition of the metric. Use the back (arrow) button at the top to return to the landing page.

Scrolling down, you'll also find visual representations of these and other metrics. Some examples are shown below.

Last updated