Other Enhancements & Improvements

Release date: 23 January 2023 & 16 February 2023

New Authentication Portal

We've released a new and much faster customer sign-in and authentication page for the Clickatell Portal. This is a huge win, not only for a frictionless user journey but also from a security perspective.

Enhancements 🚀

The following enhancements were made on the Clickatell Portal:

  • Chat Desk: Address 1 Free seat confusion

  • Chat Flow & Chat Desk: Purchase/upgrade subscription package improvements

  • Explore Page: WA and SMS buttons are not intuitive

  • SMS: Update text for the Long Number box; Update query to retrieve TFNs and Long Number

  • SMS: Provide the user with more info about Short Code and Long Number

  • SMS: State Long Number/Short Code country limitation

  • SMS: Remove countries and add supporting text to Long Number Request forms

  • SMS: Short Code - Provide more assistance for the various contact screens

  • SMS Short Code: Update Short Code confirmation page with dynamic durations based on country

  • SMS: Get Short Code - add tooltip

  • SMS 10DLC: Change the campaign status from 'Approved' to 'Registered'

  • SMS 10DLC: Update 10DLC campaign pricing

  • SMS HTTP API: Provide a better description for the 'Protect my account from fraud' feature (whitelisting IP addresses)

  • WhatsApp Templates: Show loader when loading templates

  • WhatsApp Template: Add a cancel button to the "Create new template" feature

  • WhatsApp OBO: Align with WAES clients - Manage API screen

  • WhatsApp: Add two new message types to the reports dropdown

  • Clickatell Portal: Fix duplicate creators

  • Active channels should link to the Channel page in My Workspace

  • Implement standard email validation across all email fields

  • Implement the Cache Service Worker Code into Unity

  • Billing Info: Mark the required fields clearly

Bugs 🐞

The following bugs were addressed on the Clickatell Portal:

  • My Workspace: Click to Chat button in the banner does not work

  • My Workspace: SMS card not displaying the correct number of API setups

  • My Workspace: Incorrect popup displayed when user activates the Product/Channel

  • SMS: Redirecting to "My Workspace" instead of Step 4: API Details & Testing (Optional)

  • SMS: Button 'Update Changes' disabled on changing HTTP Setup from Production to Sandbox

  • SMS: Button 'Update Changes' disabled on changing reply callback and two-way settings

  • SMS TFN: Under subscription details, the payment plan is redundant

  • SMS: Setup details going past header

  • SMS, WhatsApp - On clicking the button 'Manage in My Workspace' should navigate to the My Workspace page

  • WhatsApp Embedded Signup: Requesting a subscription fee when a client has a license.

  • WhatsApp Subscription: Incorrect message after license renewal

  • WhatsApp Embedded Signup: Waiting screen to verify the number does not appear

  • One API: Send WhatsApp Message: Analytics Report - Data is not received after generating the report

  • One API: No success banner when copying API key to clipboard

  • One API: Unable to send a WhatsApp with WAES API

  • One API: After changing the setup type from Sandbox to Production and saving, the "Update changes" button should be disabled

  • Transaction Lookup Tool: Search by field behavior error

  • Transaction Lookup Tool: Search timeframe - no 'Yesterday' option

  • Test Phones: Menu not working in Portal

  • Test Phones: Add button not disabled after being canceled

  • User Management: Save button becomes disabled on role click

  • User Management: Address confusing '+Add Role' button

  • Account Details: Account Name field value should populate by default

  • Account details: Pop-up bug

  • Account details: Contact Number Form validation fails before the user starts interacting

  • Account details: Title hides under inputs during page scrolling

  • Billing & Profile: Change Email Address - "Success Email for address confirmation" message not displayed and the user is redirected to the signup page.

  • Billing Details: By default, an error message is displayed in the Contact Number field

  • Profile & Billing: After changing the password, not getting a success message "Your password was changed successfully"

  • Analytics & Reports: Update menu name from 'Chat2Pay' to 'Chat 2 Pay'

  • Analytics & Reports: Sent message time returns incorrect date format

  • Reporting: Received details report - Replied to message ID data is not returned in response

  • Reporting: Chat 2 Pay report loads for too long before rendering

  • Registration: Validation error message not displayed on entering special characters in the First Name and Last Name fields

  • Registration: Getting 401 Error Status - Not Authorized

  • UI Improvements (loaders)

Last updated


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