Message types

All message types, except for template messages, can only be sent to a WhatsApp user when a 24-hour customer service window is open between you and the user. Template messages can be sent to a WhatsApp user at any time, as long as the user has opted-in to receive messages from you.

See our Developer Documentation for details about using our APIs.

Message types

The WhatsApp Business API can be used to send the following types of messages (listed alphabetically):

Audio messages

Display an audio icon and a link to an audio file. The audio file is downloaded and played when a customer taps the icon.

Commerce messages

Commerce messages are interactive messages used in conjunction with a product catalog. Catalog messages are free-form messages that allow you to showcase your product catalog entirely within WhatsApp.

See WhatsApp Commerce Messages for more details.

Contacts messages

Send rich contact information such as names, phone numbers, physical addresses, and email addresses directly to customers.

Document messages

Display a document icon, linked to a document that a customer can tap to download.

Image messages

Display a single image and an optional caption.

Interactive CTA URL button messages

Map any URL to a button, so you don't have to include raw URLs in the message body.

See Interactive messages for more details.

Interactive list messages

Present customers with a list of options to choose from.

See Interactive messages for more details.

Interactive location request messages

Display body text and a Send location button. When a customer taps the button, a location-sharing screen appears that they can use to share their location.

See Interactive messages for more details.

Interactive reply buttons messages

Send up to three predefined replies for customers to choose from.

See Interactive messages for more details.

Location messages

Send a location's latitude and longitude coordinates to a customer. Tapping the map opens the location in the mobile phone's map app.

Text messages

Messages containing only a text body and an optional link preview.

Template messages

Send marketing and utility templates to customers. Unlike all other message types, template messages do not require a 24-hour customer service window to be open between you and the customer before the message can be sent.

See WhatsApp message templates for more detail.

Video messages

Display a thumbnail preview of a video image with an optional caption. When your customer taps the preview, it loads the video and plays it.

Message types currently not supported by Clickatell:

  • Address messages

  • Interactive flow messages

  • Sticker messages

  • Reaction messages

Last updated


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