Add a new campaign

Currently, only WhatsApp campaigns are supported.

All time indications are shown as GMT.

Campaign Details

  1. In the Campaign List tab, click + New Campaign Setup.

  2. Enter a name for your campaign to identify it easily (max. 255 characters).

  3. Select the campaign type:

    • WhatsApp

    • SMS (coming soon)

  4. Click Next.

Enter a campaign name and select the campaign type.

Campaign Message

  1. Select the message template you want to use:

    • The drop-down lists all WhatsApp templates already approved on your Clickatell account.

    • The message body will populate automatically and is not editable.

    • For media templates, upload the file you want to add as the template header.

    • A preview of the message is shown on the right.

You can only select from the approved WhatsApp templates on your account. Find out how to apply for and manage your WhatsApp templates here.

Select the specific message template from the drop-down and preview.

The following template types and components are supported:

  • Media Header:

    • Document (PDF, 30 MB max size)

    • Video (MP4 or 3GPP, 5 MB max size)

    • Image (JPEG or PNG, 5 MB max size)

  • Text: As set up via the Clickatell Portal and approved by Meta. Must include at least one variable.

  • Quick replies: As set up via the Clickatell Portal and approved by Meta.

  • Static and dynamic URLs: As set up via the Clickatell Portal and approved by Meta.

All buttons in the template are listed. If it is a call-to-action button, the number and URL(s) linked to each button are shown when hovering over it. This number will be dialed if an end-user taps the Call Phone Number button and the URL launched when they tap the Visit Website button. If the URL button is linked to a dynamic URL, it is shown in the format:{{1}}.

The number/URL linked to the call-to-action button for the selected template is shown upon hover.

Campaign Sending

  1. Select when you want to send your campaign:

    • Save a draft campaign to edit later.

    • Send the campaign immediately.

    • Schedule the sending of the campaign for a date in the future.

Select when you want to send the campaign.


  1. Indicate who must receive your campaign message.

    • Upload a file from your computer.

      • File types: .xlxs, .txt, or .csv file

      • Maximum file size: 100MB

      • Maximum number of rows: 1 million

      • A column containing the recipients' MSISDN (phone number) is required. Phone numbers must be added in international format.

      • Add any other columns with the information you require.

For an example, see here.

File names may not contain a full stop, for example, use test_file1.csv instead of test.file1.csv. Commas need to be added at the end of each line.

Upload the list of recipients for this campaign from your computer.
  • Or log in to your FTP server and import the recipients' details.

    • File types: .xlxs, .txt, or .csv file

Import the list of recipients for this campaign from your FTP server.

In both cases, the column headings in your file are automatically shown as options in a drop-down for each variable in your template. From each drop-down, select the column that must be used to populate each variable.

It is required to select a column containing the recipients' MSISDN numbers. The rest can be left blank.

Click Save and Import.

The table displays an extract of the file you imported so that you can review whether it is correct. You can search for a specific recipient using the MSISDN (mobile) number.

Review recipients.

Last updated


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