View details & manage campaigns

All timestamps are in GMT.

From the Campaign List tab, you can view, edit, and delete campaigns.

View campaign details

To view detailed information about a campaign, click the "eye" icon next to it.

On the Campaign Details page, you can see:

  • The campaign's status and name.

  • The WhatsApp template used for this campaign (if applicable).

  • The date the campaign was created & sent (if applicable).

  • Important stats about your campaign.

  • Details about the recipient list you used.

  • A preview of your campaign message.

You can edit your campaign from here if it hasn't been sent yet.

In the example below, the Edit Campaign button is greyed out since you cannot edit sent campaigns.

Edit campaign details

You can only edit campaigns with a "New" or "Pending" status, i.e., campaigns that have not been scheduled or sent yet.

You can edit a campaign scheduled for delivery in the future, however, the campaign will no longer be scheduled, and you will have to set a new date for sending.

To edit a campaign, click the "pencil" icon next to it.

In the Edit WhatsApp Campaign wizard, you can edit any of the campaign fields:

  • Campaign name

  • Campaign type

  • Header image/videos (if applicable)

  • Message template

  • Sending timing

  • Recipients

Delete campaigns

To delete a campaign, click the "bin" icon next to it. You cannot delete Sent or Processing campaigns. You cannot undo this action.

Last updated


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