Location Sharing node & Media node enhancements

Release date: 27 August 2021

Release Summary

The focus of the release was to introduce bi-directional location sharing via the WhatsApp channel and to further enhance the Media node.


Location sharing node

When using Chat Flow, users can now add a new Location Sharing node into their flows to either send a location pin to the end-user OR receive a location pin from the end-user and use the latitude, longitude, location name, and address within their flow.

Note: this is available for use on the WhatsApp channel only.

Outbound (left) and inbound (right) location sharing


Media node enhancements

Previously, using the Media node to send outbound media to an end-user would cause the current flow to end. With the latest release, we’ve made an important enhancement to the Media node such that the flow-builder now has the option to specify a next step/flow that the flow must logically continue to after sending an outbound media file to an end-user. This allows for a much smoother experience for both the user and the flow-builder to use as an alternative to the ‘stop-and-start’ feel when sending outbound media.

Flow-builders can also now specify the file name that is displayed to the end-user when sending media files by optionally entering a file name to override the existing one with.

Select whether the session should end (left) or continue (right) after outbound media node

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