Integrations Overview

Available on our Interact and Transact packages.

What are Integrations?

You can integrate your Chat Flow and Chat Desk applications with various 3rd-party applications such as Salesforce, Zendesk, etc.

With integrations, you can:

  • Perform various frequently used operations (like creating a ticket in Zendesk or adding a Sales Lead in Salesforce) automatically via Chat Flow.

  • Keep your customer data in sync across all these mentioned 3rd-party applications.

  • Fetch data from other applications in your tech stack and use the data in Chat Flow.

  • Push your chat support data (from Chat Flow) to other applications in your tech stack.

  • View information about your customers as fetched from the 3rd party applications integrated with Clickatell (Chat Desk).

What 3rd-party apps can I integrate with Clickatell?

Currently, we support the following 3rd-party apps:

Please refer to the relevant section of this guide for more information and integration steps for each.

Last updated