I want to import contacts for my campaign. What format must the file be in?

To add contacts to a campaign, you must upload a .xlsx, .txt, or .csv file containing the recipients' information. Add a column for every variable you want to populate in your campaign's message. A column containing the recipients' MSISDN (phone number) is required. All other columns are optional and depend on the information you need in the campaign you plan to send.

An example is shown below. You can also read more in this part of the user guide.


  • Phone numbers must be added in international format, e.g., 12025248725 (USA) or 447481340516 (UK).

  • Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

  • Contacts must have opted in (i.e., provided consent) for you to send campaign messages to them.

Does Campaign Manager block a client from sending campaigns after hours?

No, but it is recommended not to send campaigns outside of normal business hours as this might result in a high number of blocks from recipients.

Does Campaign Manager support dynamic URLs?

Yes, Campaign Manager does support dynamic URLs. Read here for more information.

Does Campaign Manager support both WhatsApp and SMS?

Only WhatsApp is currently supported on this tool, with support for SMS being added soon.

Why don't my replies go to Chat Desk anymore after activating Campaign Manager?

When Campaign Manager is activated on an account that has Chat Desk, all replies (inbound messages) from customers are received on the Responses tab instead of going to Chat Desk as before. You can change your callbacks to the Chat Desk URL if you prefer to receive your replies there. Note that in this case, replies will not be visible in Campaign Manager and all replies will be directed to Chat Desk, i.e., replies can go to either Campaign Manager or Chat Desk, not to both.

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