Auto-responder updates

Release date: 30 July 2024

We've updated the "End Chat and Opt-Out Keywords message" auto responder as follows:

  • The default message was updated to: “You can end this chat at any time during your conversation with our agents by replying with //end. To opt out of this service, reply with //stop.”

  • Previously, users could edit the text of this auto responder but were not allowed to change the keywords //end or //stop. With this release, we now allow users to remove/edit the hardcoded keywords.

Important note: Although the keywords can be removed/edited, this is a text update only, and does not change the actual keywords and their associated functionality. If a user replaces the keywords with something else, it will not affect functionality.

Wording changes and editing capabilities made to the End Chat and Opt-Out Keywords auto responder.

Last updated


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