WhatsApp buttons & template enhancements

Release date: 24 January 2024

Available on all packages.

Button enhancements

Previously, Clickatell only supported one type of interactive button per template, i.e., either call-to-action buttons or quick reply buttons, not both. You could also add only three buttons per template.

With this release, you can now add up to 10 interactive buttons per template, and buttons in one template can include a combination of call-to-action and quick reply buttons.

Coupon templates

You can now add a Copy offer code button to any of your message templates. When tapping this button, the code is copied to your customer's clipboard and they can paste it wherever they want.

Only available on the shared model and not on the on-behalf-of model.

Catalog templates

You can now present a product catalog to your customers within WhatsApp by making use of Product messages under the Marketing template category.

Catalog templates display a product thumbnail header image of your choice and custom body text. The text header, sub-header, and button text are non-editable.

When a customer taps the View catalog button in a catalog template message, your product catalog appears within WhatsApp.


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